Our MSU Upward Bound Civil Rights Tour Blog

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

A Good Day

Today was a very busy, but fun day. It first started off with a really good breakfast. Something that I think will stick with me the most about today is when we went to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's Memorial. 

It was really cool to see his home where he was born and raised but it was touchy being in the church where his mother was killed. 

I really think the Eternal Flame is Sweet, I've never seen one before so I also liked that. 

I really had fun at the colleges I visited also and I do plan on applying to them. I love how they have traditions and myths about things, and I like how everyone seemed friendly. After visiting colleges we went to CNN and it was really big and crowed there, maybe after 10 minutes I found a seat to eat lunch at. 

The mall was really fun, but really short. I really wish we could stay there longer. Dinner was really fun, I like how everyone had a good time together and we all sang and talked, I really enjoyed myself. I hope tomorrow is as great as today was.
- Tyresha C.


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